The Skinner Co. Network
The Skinner Co. Network: Home to Flash Pulp, bites of pulp fiction released thrice weekly, and the FlashCast, an hour or so of geek/pulp chatter covering movies, games, and novels. This is the full network feed, please use to find feeds for individual shows.

Tonight the Chrononaut Cinema Reviews gang considers 1960’s Atom Age Vampire.

Direct download: CCR3.mp3
Category:CCR -- posted at: 1:35pm EDT

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith finds himself at the center of an online web of deceit and broken hearts.

Direct download: FlashPulp405.mp3
Category:Flash Pulp -- posted at: 9:52pm EDT

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself involved in a high-speed chase.

Direct download: FlashPulp404.mp3
Category:Flash Pulp -- posted at: 4:26pm EDT

Tonight we present a tale of betrayal and violence influenced by Jurd’s current international travel status - that influence mostly being exhaustion. 

Direct download: FlashPulp403.mp3
Category:Flash Pulp -- posted at: 8:38pm EDT

Some thoughts from the edge of the Pacific

Direct download: NoteToSelf005.mp3
Category:NTS -- posted at: 9:55am EDT

In which JRD ruminates on missing floors.

Direct download: NotetoSelf004.mp3
Category:NTS -- posted at: 3:28am EDT

In which JRD ruminates about fourth-dimensional syllables and post-apocalyptic alleys.

Direct download: NoteToSelf003.mp3
Category:NTS -- posted at: 8:22pm EDT

Prepare yourself for: Unliving dolls, the Budapest smile club, the October 31, dill pickle vodka, and Tony Dibbs

Direct download: FlashCast111.mp3
Category:FlashCast -- posted at: 1:30pm EDT